Welcome to the official Lockmates Carrd!

Lockmates are magical creatures that roam the earth searching for the key(s) that will unlock them, so that they may become free.Feel free to explore the carrd and learn more about Lockmates and how to get your own!

Lockmates are a CLOSED SPECIES owned by Starbovnd!
Please do not make your own without a MYO slot or explicit permission!


Lockmates are creatures born from magic, but upon coming to life, a key made specifically for them will materialize somewhere in the world. It's up to them to find it, only then can they achieve their final form. Lockmates will often dedicate their lives to travel and search for their key.

Locket Forms:

Locket Forms are an alternate form of your Lockmate to give them added mobility! A Lockmate is normally not very fast, but if they need to make a quick escape, they can freely shapeshift into their Locket form! All Lockmates can achieve a Locket form, however Deadbolt Lockmates cannot.

Deadbolt Lockmates:

Deadbolt Lockmates are held under a powerful curse, hindering them on their quest for their key. Their curse may be from them using their magic for evil, or perhaps from a deal they couldn't keep. This curse can only be cured by the individual, very few finding their keys as a result of the powerful curse on their locks.



• Round heads with expressive eyes.
• Short muzzle with canine noses.
• Their eyebrows can be any shape/size.
• Soft, triangle-shaped bodies with short legs and thick thighs. Their feet have 3 toes.
• All lockmates have a lock somewhere on their body.
• 3 to 4 hard claw-like fingers + 1 thumb. Their claws can be shaded in any way.
• Arms can drag the ground, or stop at their hips. They have a single pawpad in the center of their hand.

Overal, Lockmates have a very squishy, chibi-like build and are very round and soft creatures! They can typically be about 2 - 4 ft tall at the largest.Lockmates are able to shapeshift into "Locket" forms!

Locket Form:

Lockmates in their standard forms are not very mobile, but they can be when they need to be!
If a Lockmate were to find themselves in a dire situation, they can quickly shapeshift into a quadrupedal form for quicker mobility and agility. Locket forms have long, thin legs with hooves at the end, making them incredibly quick.
A Lockmate could also use this form if they were injured, as these forms require very little energy to maintain and can be therapeutic and self-healing. However, they cannot hold these forms forever, as it would eventually cause body strain and irreversible damage.


-Strictly quadrupedal.
-Slender, skinny bodies with thin legs.
-Hooves (can be a single hoof or cloven hooves)
-Large, hollow eyes with no iris or pupil.
-Zig-Zag Mouth
-Existing traits (Ears, tails, horns, mutations, etc.) will transfer onto this form. Some mutations often don't show up, however, to keep their energy use low. (It's up to the owner to decide what to carry over, there's no limit as long as your Lockmate already has the trait.) Their locks will also translate over.

Deadbolt Lockmate:

General Anatomy:

-3 to 4 hard claw-like fingers + 1 thumb Their feet have 3 of these same claws.
-Their bodies are bigger and bulkier, though they have the same triangle bodies and short legs.
-Deadbolt Lockmates have "hindering locks", often causing an inconvenience to them.
-Bigger muzzles with larger noses. Their teeth are often bigger, so they're more likely to have fangs or protruding canines.





Lock Placement:

When a lockmate is born, somewhere in the world, a key will manifest somewhere in the world. Lockmates will spend their lives searching for their key, often going through hundreds in their lifetime before finding the one that was born with them.
As a result, Lockmates are given their namesake; a large lock that protrudes from their bodies! All Lockmates have 1, and only 1 lock, and it could be in a variety of places on their body.

Common Lock Placements:
-Ear Lock (Inner Ear / Back of Ear)
-Neck Lock (Front of neck or back)
-Hand Lock (Back of hand)
-Belly Lock

Rare Lock Placements:
-Head lock (Back of head.)
-Shoulder Lock (Either shoulder)
-Sternum Lock (Chest)
-Tongue Lock (Unique to Bound Lockmates)

Deadbolt Locks:

Deadbolt Lockmates have locks that function a little differently; while Deadbolt Lockmates can have any lock placements, some placements are luckier than others. Their curse comes with the loss of a limb, the locks now able to remove parts of them. This makes it vital for the Lockmate to break their curse before finding their key.

Ear locks on a standard lockmate would be on the back, or inside of the ear.

Ear locks on Deadbolt Lockmates, however, remove the ear entirely.

-Ear Lock (Removes the entire ear.)
-Eye Lock (Covers the eye entirely.)
-Mouth Lock (Silences your Lockmate.)
-Arm Lock (Removes an arm.)
-Tail Lock (Removes their tail.)

These locks are unique to Deadbolt Lockmates, and are the the only ones that result in limb loss. Common-Rare rules still apply.

The Curse:

A Lockmate typically gains a curse because of a bad deed, broken deal, or just plain bad luck. As a result, their locks become more than just an inconvenience; they instead take something from the Lockmate. While some locks provide a clear inhibitor- others however, can be a bit sneakier.

Ear Locks prevent hearing in the ear it is placed over.
Eye Locks remove vision from the eye it is placed over.
Mouth & Neck Locks entirely silence your Lockmate.
Arm Locks entirely remove the limb.
Tail & Back Locks throw off the Lockmate's balance.
Belly Locks give the Lockmate an insatiable hunger.
Head locks fill their heads with uncontrollable thoughts only about finding their key.
Sternum Locks make the Lockmate irritable- their heart unable to be warmed.




















